INSURANCE We work with Tampa VSP Insurance, Tampa VCP comp benefits Insurance, Eye Med Insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Tampa Spectera Insurance, Tampa Cigna, Tampa Blue Cross Blue Shield, Tampa Aetna, and Tampa United Insurance. Routine Vision Plans: A routine vision plan is a plan that usually covers some or all of your examination for an eyeglass or contact lens prescription. Each plan varies as to the amount of your benefits you receive and the amount you are responsible for as copayments. The copayments are set by the insurance company and due at the time of your examination. If you work for any of the following companies you should have vision coverage that you can use in our office:
Medical Visit: A medical visit is considered to be any type of exam that is not related to an eyeglass or contact lens exam. This would include any exam for: scratches, itching, redness, discharge, glaucoma, diabetes, hypertension, macular degeneration, cataracts, floaters or flashes of lights, infections, inflammation, headaches, recent onset vision changes, double vision, recent onset light sensitivity, and any other condition that is not related to an eyeglass or contact lens examination. |